Treemap Visualization: A Hierarchical Method to Discover User Profiles on Twitter

Erick López-Ornelas, Rocío Abascal-Mena


People use microblogging platforms like Twitter to involve with other users for a wide range of interests and practices. Twitter profiles run by different types of users such as humans, bots, spammers, businesses and professionals. This research uses a treemap visualization to identify different users profile on Twitter. For this purpose, we exploit users' profile and tweeting behavior information. We evaluate our approach by visualizing the different Twitter profiles. This treemap visualization technique can be used to identify easily the different users’ profile in a wide range of users. We focus just on user activity, ignoring the content of messages. We take into consideration both social interactions and tweeting patterns, which allow us to profile users according to their activity patterns using treemaps.


Treemaps, hierarchical visualization, twitter, user profile

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